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隐私政策 弗吉尼亚旅游公司
Through its Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), 万维网联盟(W3C)正在为残疾人促进高度的网络访问. In coordination with organizations around the world, WAI is pursuing Web accessibility through five primary areas of work: technology, 的指导方针, 工具, 教育及外展, 研究和发展. 协助支持WAI, this website is complies with W3C 的指导方针 for Web accessibility wherever possible.
对于无法访问或浏览本网站可下载文件的人士,可提供硬拷贝文件. Simply contact 弗吉尼亚旅游公司 (百老汇会员) by 电子邮件,传真804-545-5501,或邮寄至:
901 E. 加里·圣.
This website provides links to many websites that are not controlled, 维护,或受弗吉尼亚旅游公司(百老汇会员)或百老汇会员附属机构规管, 和 as such 百老汇会员 is not responsible for the content of those websites. Use of information obtained from those websites is voluntary, 只有在对这些信息的准确性进行独立审查后,才能对这些信息进行依赖. Reference at those websites to any specific commercial product, 过程, 或者通过商品名称提供服务, 商标, or otherwise does not constitute or imply endorsement, 建议, 或获职训局青睐.
本网站可能载有超文本连结至外部网站,以及载有百老汇会员以外的公营及私营机构所建立及维持的资料的网页. 百老汇会员如认为建立外部连结有助于协助或促进本网站的目的,可设立这些超文本连结, 那就是向市民和企业大力推广弗吉尼亚的旅游业.
除了, 职训局可设置超文本连结作资讯用途,连结的外部网站可为浏览本门户网站的访客提供有用及有价值的资料, or where the linked external website is required or authorized by 法律.
百老汇会员, 自行决定, 将决定外部网站是否符合本网站的目的或用于指定的信息目的. 包含指向外部网站的超文本链接并不打算作为对链接网站上提供或引用的任何产品或服务的认可, 赞助该网站的组织, or any views that might be expressed or referenced in the website.
百老汇会员可自行决定是否删除或替换通往外部网站和网页的超文本链接, 随时,恕不另行通知.
In the event you discover problems with or have concerns regarding the format, 精度, timeliness or completeness of a linked external website, 请联络负责连结的外部网站的机构-职训局并不控制或负责任何连结的外部网站, 页面, 或内容.
This website provides content in several formats that require plug-ins, 或单独的浏览器组件, 要正确查看. 所有必需的插件都可以免费使用. 如果你r browser or assistive technology can not view the content using the plug-in, please contact Customer Service for an alternate version of the content.使用的插件有:
The following represent practices 和 procedures pertaining to this website. 百老汇会员保留随时更改这些做法和程序的权利,恕不另行通知. The following is not intended 和 should not be interpreted as a contract of any nature, 明示的或暗示的.
Individuals who visit this site are important to us. Because visitors to our website are important, we do not capture personal information 百老汇会员注册 them without their permission. 我们努力确保我们只收集满足网络创建目的所需的最少数量的信息.
百老汇会员 may be required to collect personal information, 例如用户的名称和地址, because of legal requirements or in order to provide customer services. 在此过程中,我们须遵守 Government 数据收集 和 Dissemination Practices Act, Chapter 38 of Title 2.2 弗吉尼亚法典. Pages that appear after you click on a link may be controlled by a different agency or entity, 哪些工作不受职训局监管.
我们会直接向自愿订阅一项或多项百老汇会员通讯或服务的人士收集个人资料. 为方便百老汇会员提供阁下所要求的服务,必须收集阁下的个人资料.
Fostering 和 maintaining the public’s trust is a cornerstone of the 百老汇会员. 我们感谢您通过提供所要求的个人信息而给予我们的信任和信心.
Use, collection, 和 retention of customer information at 百老汇会员
对于每个访客, we collect information 百老汇会员注册 the Internet Protocol (IP) address, 使用的浏览器类型, 访问的日期和时间, 以及访问者在访问我们网站时所链接的地点的IP地址. This information is strictly used for statistical reporting purposes.
我们收集, retain 和 use personal information 百老汇会员注册 our customers, 除了上面提到的, only when they volunteer to subscribe to a 百老汇会员 service. 我们只收, 在我们认为对管理我们的业务和提供产品有必要(且法律允许)的地方保留和使用个人信息, services 和 other opportunities requested by our customers.
“饼干” are small files either stored on a server or sent back to a visiting computer. 在某些应用程序中,用户信息存储为“cookie”类型,然后将其发回并存储 用户的计算机. Any application or web page that uses cookies will identify itself as such. This information is h和led in the same way as other user information obtained by 百老汇会员. 除了运行特定应用程序所需的信息外,不会通过cookie收集任何用户信息.
类似于饼干, this site also employs the placement of pixels, 或者小的透明图像, in order to facilitate the measurement of certain anonymous analytics. 此信息仅作为汇总信息收集,不包含任何个人身份信息.
Restrictions on the disclosure of customer information
We do not sell or rent our subscribers’ information to any outside company or organization. 我们不会将订户的具体信息或其他个人身份数据透露给无关联的第三方供其独立使用, except if required to do so by the 维吉尼亚州 Freedom of Information Act or other 法律.
Protection of information via established security procedures
我们已经建立了程序,以确保信息是准确和最新的,是实际的,使我们能够与您开展业务. Although we strive to do things right the first time, we also respond to requests to correct inaccurate information in a timely manner.
我们的网络管理员被指示限制员工访问个人身份信息,只有那些需要访问以履行其指定职责的员工. 网络管理员被指示与其员工一起履行保护用户信息的责任.
隐私 issues relating to the Federal 儿童隐私法
联邦儿童隐私法规定网站收集18岁以下用户的个人信息. 我们不会故意收集我们所知未满18岁的任何人的此类信息. If such information is inadvertently obtained, the minor’s parent or legal guardian may 接触百老汇会员 有关从儿童收集的特定类型的个人信息的说明,以及他们在 法律 确保他们孩子的安全.
如果你 are a resident of the European Union we ask that you 选择在 我们的数据收集政策. 如果你 选择在 根据欧盟法律,您仍将保留对我们可能收集的任何个人身份信息的某些权利. 在大多数情况下, 然而, the information we collect will be anonymous or collected in aggregate, 没有连接到任何一个用户, 和, 特别是, devoid of any 和 all personally identifiable information except in cases mentioned above.
弗吉尼亚旅游公司 reserves the right to change this privacy policy as necessary.
901 E. 加里·圣