在弗吉尼亚,我们代表着爱. 维吉尼亚州 is for Lovers st和s for diversity, opportunity, 和 inclusion. We believe that LOVE—和 action—will be what moves us forward.
我们也相信旅行的力量. 旅行可以改变一切. And, it’s one of the most effective ways to change how we underst和 the world around us. Seeing the world through travel exposes us to different cultures, 历史, 遗产, 菜, 艺术, 和, 最重要的是, 人.
作为一个旅游品牌, we have a platform to share 和 demonstrate the vibrant diversity of 维吉尼亚州’s 人 和 的地方 through storytelling. We also have a responsibility to tell the whole truth–including a painful 历史 of slavery 和 oppression, 和 the untold stories that have shaped not only 维吉尼亚州 历史 but American 历史. Today, we are committed to amplifying those stories by telling them honestly 和 completely.
We are also committed to celebrating moments of joy 和 achievement, 还有美丽多样的人们, 的地方, 和 历史 that make 维吉尼亚州 such a special place to live, 工作及参观. 我们致力于确保这一点 所有 游客在弗吉尼亚感到安全和受欢迎.
These commitments root us deeply in our purpose 和 function as a travel br和 和 strengthen our ability to carry out our mission-oriented work: showing the world why 维吉尼亚州 is for Lovers. As such, we are committed to the following shared values:
- 我们代表爱: 我们品牌的核心——以及我们所做的一切——是爱. It is important that we prioritize making 所有 travelers feel welcome, 当他们来访时,安全如家. 我们接受种族差异, 宗教, 性取向, 性别, 性别认同或表达, 语言, 有形残疾和无形残疾, 和 所有 the intersecting identities that make 维吉尼亚州ns 和 visitors alike so unique. We believe our differences make us stronger– 和 better.
- 我们代表学习: Ongoing 和 active learning will enable us to uphold our values 和 continue our mission as an agency. 维吉尼亚州 is for Lovers aims to grow our underst和ing of the diversity of 人’s identities 和 experiences to help us build a stronger, 更公平的, 更团结的社区. We commit to sharing those experiences 和 points of view that have previously been overlooked or unheard, 和 we will actively work to support p艺术ners 和 organizations who do the same. We also underst和 that our communities across the state are unique, 没有一个目的地是相同的. 我们承诺与……携手合作 所有 destinations 和 p艺术ners that prioritize inclusivity by providing educational opportunities, 资源, 和指导.
- 我们支持透明度: 弗吉尼亚有着复杂的历史. 我们致力于研究和讲述全部, authentic truth 和 sharing unheard or untold stories. We will also actively work to support p艺术ners 和 organizations in 维吉尼亚州 who do the same while providing 资源 for p艺术ners who have stated an intention to do so. 还有许多工作要做. We remain committed to continued growth 和 evolution, 和 to exploring new ways to ensure that 所有 travelers feel loved, 欢迎, 在弗吉尼亚旅游是安全的. 我们承诺分享我们一路走来取得的进步.
Black travelers as a group have been under-prioritized 和 underserved for too long. 弗吉尼亚州正在努力改变这种状况. Creating a more inclusive 和 equitable travel experience for Black travelers is not only the right thing to do, but it also represents a significant tourism opportunity for the state.
弗吉尼亚是恋人的天堂. 自1969年以来, our famous state slogan has inspired travelers from 所有 over the world to visit the Commonwealth. Today, 维吉尼亚州 is for 所有 Lovers, 和 is a great destination for LGBTQ+ travelers.
维吉尼亚州’s diverse 和 exciting travel experiences can be enjoyed by everyone, 包括那些有访问需求的人. 维吉尼亚州 is committed to providing safe, equitable, accessible 和 FUN experiences for 所有 travelers.
VTC is working hard to curate content, 资源, 和 travel inspiration for 所有 travelers. Check back soon for 资源 for even more communities, including:
- LatinX & 拉美裔
- Asian American, Asian Pacific Isl和er Desi American (APIDA)
- 土著美国人
Do you have suggestions on how we can make 维吉尼亚州 more accessible, equitable, 和 inclusive? 我们欢迎您的反馈!